Emigrants face problems that Poles don't even suspect. Formalities, job searches, medical assistance and even simply getting a SIM card up and running is not easy for those who have just arrived in a new country.
In extreme situations, there is not always time to prepare for a trip. And not everyone has the money to buy everything they need upon arrival. Sometimes migrants cross the border without money or personal belongings. For example, in August 2020, there were cases when, fleeing persecution, Belarusians crossed the Bug River to get to Poland.
After arriving in Poland, expatriates must write an application for asylum. At this point, their national document (passport) is taken from them even before the decision is made. The examination procedure takes about six months, during which the emigrants can stay in a refugee camp or rent an apartment on their own. In Poland, the allowance that expatriates who have resigned from the camp can count on is PLN 750. per month, with the understanding that they cannot take a job until they are granted refugee status. With this money they have to find an apartment, support themselves, buy other essentials ...
People rarely think about how much they need to live: clothes, shoes, dishes, food, personal hygiene products, stationery, transportation, cell phone ... The allowance is not even enough for the essentials. That's why various campaigns are organized to raise funds and necessities that help many people survive. Among others, the Slava Izydor Volosianski Humanosh Foundation was established to help others.
The Foundation helps those arriving from Belarus to get the following as a first step, under the so-called "Start Package": housing, adequate clothing, food and vitamins. If someone needs it - also medical and psychological assistance.
The helpers are not just Foundation employees and volunteers. These are people who are not indifferent to human injustice, who have the willingness and ability to help. Help does not always have to be monetary. It can be help with paperwork, help with transporting things, help with finding a job. If you have a jacket or shoes that you don't like or, don't fit in size, but are in good condition - don't throw them away, think that they may be needed by someone at the moment. The Humanosh Foundation for expatriate families in need accepts clothing, food, household chemicals and paper goods. You can also donate money to the Foundation's account, which will be used first to rent housing and medical treatment for those who cannot afford it at the moment.
How You Can Help
Support the work of our Foundation - only with your help can we succeed!

The founders of the foundation have been actively helping refugees for more than 15 years. Humanosh Foundation has been operating since 2020, with the help of the family, volunteers and thanks to the support of donors we help refugees and spread the story of the Wołosiański family.
Our mission is to build a reality in which every person feels safe and dignified, regardless of his or her background, race, religion or skin color.
Only with your help can we succeed!