A few words
Drinking water for Ukraine
special collection
We urgently need help for those affected by the destruction of a dam by Russian troops in Nova Kakhovka, Ukraine.
Tens of thousands of people were left without a roof over their heads, access to food and the most important element - drinking water!
We would like to raise funds to purchase drinking water treatment systems. We want to ensure that residents in these areas have access to drinkable water in the coming weeks and even months. Even those wells that have theoretically remained untouched could be contaminated by flooded cemeteries and other damaged infrastructure.


The cost of one such system, which will provide drinking water for up to 350 people, is as much as 90 thousand zlotys, but it allows uninterrupted operation in the harshest conditions even throughout the year!
The flooded areas are the ones where we have been involved in humanitarian and medical assistance since the beginning of the war. Our organization works on the ground, We have contacts and know to whom to donate aid funds. Your generosity will help us save lives and health.
How You Can Help
Support our collection - only with your help can we succeed!
Please give your financial support by making a donation so that we can start helping those affected as soon as possible.
On behalf of the affected people who now have nothing, we thank you in advance for your generosity and support, it is thanks to you that we can respond almost immediately!