Katarzyna Skopiec (right) with refugee Anna Novik, whom she offered to live in her home Photo: Dawid Żuchowicz / Agencja Gazeta

Bread and salt

Poles, are very helpful and hospitable people. The family of Piotr and Katarzyna Skopec gave shelter for several months to eight Belarusian refugees who came to Poland fleeing repression in their homeland.

The Warsaw house where Belarusians find shelter is known to many volunteers and expatriates from different countries. Thanks to the Skopce family, dozens of Belarusians have found their new home in Poland.

Kasia (as everyone calls Catherine Skopiec) has set up a Foundation, among other things, to help expatriates. The foundation helps find housing, draw up all the documents necessary to stay in the country and place children in school. When it is not possible to find a room for those in need, Kasi's family invites them to stay with them. This is what people she has helped find a temporary "roof over their heads" say about Kasi.

Anna and Tatiana Novik:

We were brought to Kasi by volunteers from the Belarusian diaspora, at a time when we were in danger of staying on the street. After passing the quarantine, during which we spent almost all our savings, we planned to start working, but the vacancy for which we had an invitation was not actually found. Kasia suggested that we live with her family until we found a job. We became friends with her and her amazing family. Imbued with their ideas, we gradually became involved in the Foundation's affairs: we helped donate clothes and food to refugees, look for housing and help those who really need it. When they help you, it really makes you want to help others!


Many thanks to Peter and Kasia for providing shelter. Thanks to volunteer Yana, who introduced us. I was facing imprisonment in Belarus for a completely stretched reason, so I got myself together very quickly, took the bare minimum of stuff and a one-way ticket. For a few pennies I ended up in Warsaw, and thanks to Kasia I was able to start a new life here - a life without fear. Now I am waiting for a decision on admission to the University under the Kalinowski program.

Article in Gazeta Wyborcza, 26.10.2020

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The founders of the foundation have been actively helping refugees for more than 15 years. Humanosh Foundation has been operating since 2020, with the help of the family, volunteers and thanks to the support of donors we help refugees and spread the story of the Wołosiański family.

Our mission is to build a reality in which every person feels safe and dignified, regardless of his or her background, race, religion or skin color.

Only with your help can we succeed!
