We are pleased to announce that our Foundation has been selected to carry out a new activity. Together with Janina Ochojska's MP office and the CRASP (Conference of Rectors of Academic Schools in Poland), we have launched a secretariat whose main task will be to match the needs of Kabul evacuees with specific university offers in Poland. We want to help those wishing to start/continue their studies at Polish universities, academics who want to continue their research or teaching work, but also those looking for Polish language courses. Over time, we plan to expand the Secretariat's activities to include other nationalities and tasks.
Our foundation was chosen because of the experience we have gained supporting female and male students from Belarus. Working together with the foundation's team will be Ms. Nilofar Ayoubi - an Afghan who speaks her native language and English. Ms. Nilofar also flew to Poland this year, with transportation organized by our government.
We invite you to contact!
The Secretariat's activities are made possible by a grant from the Henryk Wujca Civic Fund.
How You Can Help
Support the work of our Foundation - only with your help can we succeed!

The founders of the foundation have been actively helping refugees for more than 15 years. Humanosh Foundation has been operating since 2020, with the help of the family, volunteers and thanks to the support of donors we help refugees and spread the story of the Wołosiański family.
Our mission is to build a reality in which every person feels safe and dignified, regardless of his or her background, race, religion or skin color.
Only with your help can we succeed!